Its Raining, Its Pouring and More | Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose Club!

2018-07-13 102

Its Raining, Its Pouring and More Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose Club! Sing along with your favorite Mother Goose Club charers to the classic nursery rhyme “Its Raining, Its Pouring!\r
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Big thanks to all of our fans out there, big and small!\r
Track List:\r
Its Raining, Its Pouring\r
Count With Me\r
This Little Piggy\r
Jack Sprat\r
Itsy Bitsy Spider\r
Old MacDonald Had a Farm\r
Freight Train\r
Hickory, Dickory, Dock\r
Jack Be Nimble\r
Baa, Baa, Baa Sheep\r
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear\r
Six Little Ducks\r
The Bear Went Over the Mountain\r
Old MacDonald Had a Farm\r
Pop Goes the Weasel\r
One, Two, Three, Four, Five\r
The Bunny Hop\r
Ring Around the Rosy\r
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes\r
Itsy Bitsy Spider\r
Johnny, Whoops!\r
Row Row Row Your Boat\r
Itsy Bitsy Spider\r
The Beehive\r
Auld Lang Syne\r
A Ram Sam Sam\r
Grandmas Spectacles\r
Jack in the Box\r
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary\r
Peter Piper\r
Open Shut Them\r
If Youre Happy and You Know It\r
Pop Goes the Weasel\r
Star Light, Star Bright\r
Open Shut Them\r
Rainbow, Rainbow\r
Two Little Blackbirds\r
Mr. Sun\r
This Little Light of Mine\r
One Potato, Two Potato\r
Clap Your Hands\r
Dinosaur Stomp\r
The Wheels on the Bus\r
Five Little Monkeys\r